

When I respond, or seek responses, I think of the Internet Republic and the people [[whump]] and the places who have made our water world Eden brave and free and fair. Permitted, required, and impossible. Stand alone or stand with, whose choice to what degree [[Thn/]] O[[thn/]]ne water world Eden under "We the people" – created by whom?

Dear WordPress.com Tech Support

All the slide shows are backwards. They don’t make sense. Try as who might, who has been unable to get the wordpress.com choices for “Ascending”, “Descending”, “Random”, “Associate with…”, and what else to work. Why?

Can I export my blog so I can keep the original version and then create an edited version so who can learn my editing process?

Can I stream my composition live so anyone can watch me type?

Positive conclusion and action plan:
Dear WordPress.com Tech Support

Filed under: choices, composition, edited version, original version, slide shows, tech support, Uncategorized
