

When I respond, or seek responses, I think of the Internet Republic and the people [[whump]] and the places who have made our water world Eden brave and free and fair. Permitted, required, and impossible. Stand alone or stand with, whose choice to what degree [[Thn/]] O[[thn/]]ne water world Eden under "We the people" – created by whom?

Bricks and books and court orders

Do the war holes come in bulk? Screen Shot 2012-10-05 at 12.10.45 PM

Do the Warholes come in bulk? Screen Shot 2012-10-05 at 12.10.45 PM; xref: bricks and books needed on one hand, and legal action on the other hand; xref: prior forgotten idea from years ago to ask Islamic courts to rule on ordering the Mihrab be placed in the Kaaba wall.

Bricks and books and court orders

A shopper at a Costco store in Portland, Ore.
Do the Warhols Come in Bulk?
Costco has begun selling fine art again, after quitting the business six years ago when questions were raised about the authenticity of two Picasso drawings it sold online.

Also xref: [hnk] whose 12 years of records of responding and seeking responses regarding the GWB “shock and awe” childish regression of US government

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ATTORNEY: $ 300 / month [Hnk] to execute form letter covering my offers of interest in my intellectual property https://waterworldeden4.wordpress.com/2012/09/29/cover-letter-for-the-offer-of-interest-in-intellectual-property/

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Iran IMF SDR Self Insurance proposal with definitions and strategy

Bismellahi, bless, I open myself to you my God. Then I open myself to you my witnesses, if I have any besides you my God…

Sin of not recording the blossoming of whose efforts.

Bismellah, the need to restart.


The IMF hereby agrees to transfer the SDRs of Iran to any nation harmed beyond a reasonable doubt by the aggressive use of uranium by Iran.

Aggressive use shall be constituted by the presence of uranium manufactured, or under the control of Iran, found outside the borders of Iran without the express permission of the other nation AND a three quarters (3/4) majority of the United Nations Generally Assembly, whether or not said uranium has caused any actually harm – except in the event Iran [Hnk hnk] is first attacked by the military chain of command of another nation, in which case [[thn/]] Iran must first make a formal and public declaration of war against the other nation, after which Iran may retaliate with commensurate force to stop the attack against Iran. [[[””’thnk/]]]

Transfer shall constitute the division and direct distribution of the value of the SDRs of Iran on a prorated basis to pay each and every individual, family, business, or other entity harmed twenty (20) times the assessed value of any physical damages caused to them, with human life valued at fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars a year, and life expectancy estimated at seventy eight (78) years, and psychological health valued at $20,000 per year, and all property values based upon the highest assessed value during the past fifteen (15) years. Total damages, and proration thereof shall be determined by the International Criminal Court – up to the limit of the total value of the SDRs of Iran, beyond which the IMF shall have [thn/] no obligation what so ever to provide any compensation to harmed parties, but this shall not prevent Iran from establishing by mutual agreement one, or more, other self insurance trust accounts with the IMF and / or the World Bank, and / or OTHER trustor parties to enable Iran to provide ADDITIONAL self insurance of peaceful use collateral so that as Iran’s peaceful use of atomic energy progresses over the next three generations (sixty seven (67) years), God willing, who hopes, Iran’s self insurance coverage based on the foregoing compensation ratios will continue to be comensurate with, and adequate to, cover both it’s estimated and registered inventories of uranium.

In the case where no actual harm or damage has yet beed caused, but uranium traceable to Iran has been found, then one hundred (100) times the market value of said uranium, or ten million ($10,000,000) dollars, whichever is greater, shall be paid to the national treasury of the nation (s) suffering said potential harm as determined by the International Criminal Court. Note: The current known terrestrial uranium reserves are expected to be depleted within the next sixty seven (67) years at which time extraction of the fine grains of uranium in sea water may significantly raise the cost and market value of uranium.

The reason limits are placed upon compensation for damages is to “lead us not into temptation…” The international milieu is a complex arena and the people of Iran, or most any nation, are not of a single mind regarding the polices of the sovereign decision makers, therefore to protect the people of Iran, or any nation similarly inclined, it is necessary to be sure a small minority cannot hold the general population hostage by threatening to drain the assets of the nation though intentional, aggressive harm to another nation which would trigger the transfer of peace collateral assets and thereby leave the general population impoverished.

So, perhaps as part of this agreement, Iran should execute a letter of agreement that in the event aggressive use of any kind is proven and collateral is transferred, any Iranians found responsible shall be tried in the International Criminal Court, and further the elected officials of the national government of Iran shall resign from office and elections shall be called and only Iranians who have never held public office shall be permitted to stand for office in fair elections open to international monitors with the placement of Iran’s uranium program under 100% inspection, checks and balances overseen by the IAEA, the UN General Assembly, the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and the Islamic Courts of Pakistan and Indonesia. Part of said letter might be the constitution of Iran shall be amended within one year to reflect said agreement so it is clear the general populate of Iran is aware of the agreement.

In order for you, the current revolutionary leaders of Iran, to protect yourselves from false claims being upheld, it is incumbent upon you select random patterns of dates on which to manufacture isotopes [thn/] of elements with half lives on an order of magnitude of 10, 100, and 1000 years so you can start their half life clocks and imbed same in finger prints to uniquely and indelibly mark each and every batch of your uranium well before you register samples of same as per the above. In this way you can prevent counterfeit copies from being used against you because once known, unless who has been manufacturing isotopes daily and keeping a stock pile of them, it is impossible for whom to go back in time and start the clock of a half life at the same time you did when you made the isotope for your finger print. In theory, by weaving blends of isotopes of various half lives, including the same isotope but from different batches made at different times, you can embed enough unique clocks to make it very difficult to counterfeit your uranium’s finger prints. Is that right? Further you must design checks and balances in the management of your uranium to prevent any leakage by loose cannons such as Ollie North who worked out of the United States White House basement running covert operations without the knowledge of his superiors. Running uranium through an extra centrifuge cycle to remove the finger print and transfer the uranium under the table to cause harm remains a temptation, but by rotating your stock into and out of the public inventory for finger print checks frequently enough you can make this more difficult due to the time who needs to run the centrifuge to remove the finger print. There is also the temptation to skim uranium as who goes along so it never gets finger printed. But again by keeping careful inventories such leakage should show up.

Ultimately a SECOND kind of insurance is needed to cover harm caused which cannot be proven to emanate from any sovereign – Global NO FAULT peaceful use insurance.

Who estimates a net present value of a thirty trillion ($30 X 10^15) dollar peace dividend from such a global no fault insurance pool could be divided among the community of nations. [[[thn/]]]. Based upon each nation’s percentage of global GDP, each nation would mint iot’s prorated share of the the peace dividend estimated from increased trade and productivity resulting form lowered risk, and less inhibition to international trade and commerce thanks to the global no fault self insurance pool. However, to prevent inflation due to premature liquidity of the peace dividend asset, such minted currency would need to be deposited with the World Bank and / or what other trusted third party, or parties, to be very conservatively invested in counter – cyclical market segments to counter – balance inflationary trends in both the private and public sectors – with the dividends of the global no fault peaceful use insurance pool distributed to each nation according to their contribution. The principal would be retained to pay any claims caused by free lance, loose cannons like Ollie North, or Osama bin Laden, or Alexander Haig, or the Mexican Drug Cargles who cause harm across borders, but who cannot be traced to the chain of command of any nation.

With this second form of insurance in place you, the revolutionary government of Iran, can be more confident false claims against you would have less traction, and the motivation for loose cannon personnel would be less because they would be endowing the families and business of those they sought to harm.

Whose prayer is that by leading the way with the first kind of self insurance with your SDRs in these early days of for uranium program, you can start momentum among the global village to get on board the Global No Fault Insurance program thereby lowering risk for yourself and others.

There is a third kind of self insurance relevant to nations like Syria and the United States where a nation posts peace collateral to compensate any of it’s own citizens for political crimes perpetrated by it’s own citizens (the OK Court House bombing for example), or leaders, against it’s own citizens(Witness the civil war emerging in “Syriana” now), but this third kind of self insurance for peaceful use is likely not going to happen until the first two kinds of self insurance are established. So, when you calculate the risks to you of false claims, and leakage by loose cannons, please keep in mind the upside of the gains for the international community you can lead us toward if we can get to the Global No Fault Peaceful Use Self Insurance Pool Peace Dividend. In fact, there should be a REBATE clause in the your IMF agreement, that in the event we DO [Brhn] get to NO FAULT, then Iran will be rewarded for starting the trend by being issued another several billion dollars of IMF SDRs. And / or by receiving and increased share of the PEACE DIVIDEND over and above what your percent of the global GDP would entitle you to, because it would have been YOU, the revolutionary gourmet, er, government, of Iran who started this process, and like any patent, or copyright, or intellectual property you deserve the fruits of your labor to be rewarded.

Harm shall mean any physical or psychological damage, or lost value due to a lowered appraisal value resulting from said harm, or the cost of lost opportunities able to be proven by documented prospectuses, or planned stock offerings, or contracts of intent, futures options, lines of credit, and what else? The foregoing must be postmarked, or publicly recorded, or otherwise confidently verifiable.

A reasonable doubt shall be determined by the inability of uranium forensics to match the uranium which has caused harm with the uranium samples Iran has registered with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Be happily warned, there is some additional protection from counterfeit claims because uranium without isotope finger prints still carries unique identifying traits much the way you can tell where on earth a tree grew by examining the wood. However this is not a perfected science yet, and given agencies like the FSB and the CIA or the Chinese military, or private vendors like GE, or Korea, perish the thought, and such skilled scientists or wild and wooly independent operators at the street level, could well generate confusion and mistrust… So perhaps the promise to resign from office should carry the qualification that the transfer of assets must be at a significant level of one and one half ($1.5) billion dollars or more before you are forced to resign. Perhaps simply requiring elections to be called up to that point and elections to be open to being monitored with your right to stand for office again and let your own people decide if you have been diligent enough. If this seems too liberal to you, the United States, remember, the shoe may well be on OUR foot one day.

Other credible third parties with whom Iran is able to consummate a verification agreement may participate in the registration of the uranium of Iran so that scientists from all three parties can meet and divide uranium samples equally. Said independent inventories shall annually be compared with one another to ensure a history of verification of matching finger prints. Sealed registration could be filed with the International Court of Justice. There is a trade off – too little documentation and who could switch records. Too many independent sources with the information and who could perhaps counterfeit a sample more easily. Is that right?

Confessions obtained by torture shall not be accepted. Generally accepted international standards of proof shall be the controlling authority [thn/].

Proof beyond a reasonable doubt Iran is building any inventories of clandestine uranium without isotope finger prints rotated into and out of the public inventory disclosure process shall be treated in the same way as the potential harm of uranium found outside the borders of Iran because the motivation for uranium without finger prints would be for what legitimate reason? If because medical grade uranium can not be contaminated with isotopes, then the pure uranium could be rotated through public inventory, and KEPT in public inventory because it is without finger prints. This is for your own protection and you should be willing to agree to it. Why not?

So by this time all parties should have a clear notion of the intent of this agreement.

“If it’s close enough that you loose by a referee’s decision you did not desire, er, deserve, you did not deserve to win,” is what our wrestling coach, Frank Bissel said to us.

Please suggest any amendments for these definitions.

Would I sign this document myself?

If the brothers at mosque were running the system, and we built up gradually from one fuel rod so we had time to feel our way and learn the checks and balances which worked best? Yes, I would.

If I had to start fresh with a significant inventory of fuel rods which were difficult to weigh assess and account for because of the haste of bringing production on line – I might have questions about MY ability to hold up my end of the agreement. I would want inventory control experts to consult with me and the brothers… Features like “pick up stick” motion sensors with a photograph I kept with me and could compare to see if the pattern still matched when I next checked so I could be sure the door had not been opened… Because no lock is immune to unauthorized entry, but complex, inertia sensitive configurations which cannot be moved without being changed with analogue comparison files easily kept on one’s person…

Like anything, there is a learning curve. Perhaps I would show my seriousness by making it clear there was a death penalty for anyone who tried to beat the system and skim inventory, or remove finger prints. Would Iran be interested in making that part of the agreement?

The IMF has a relatively easy part of the deal. Simply transfer the SDRs based upon a court order from the International Court of Justice. Can the ICJ be trusted to rule against an obviously counterfeit claim trumped up to topple Iran? Can the International Criminal Court be trusted? Or would they mix human rights issues in and say they deserve a ruling against them anyway? Could a majority of 3 or 5 or 7 sources be required to rule harm had been caused as per the agreement? Who would you like to see in that position Iran?

Who would you the IMF feel you could work with professionally?

What else?

Eventually the goal is for the US to drop sanctions against Iran so the children of Iran and their parents will not suffer over international jealousy about who is moving closer to God.

The US Congress seems to be gridlocked with partisan conflicts over debt and whose fair share of contributions should be made… The debt ceiling debate with the shut down of the government comes along every year or two now to light a fire under the feet of the Congress to get them moving. Perhaps a deadline for the US to drop sanctions could be written into this agreement. But why make the US look any more important than it is? If the IMF and Iran agree on this process then the public opinion [thnk/] alone might be enough, 180 DAYS AFTER IRAN IMF SELF INSURANCE US STILL REFUSES TO LIFT SANCTIONS. Perhaps a count down clock side by side with the US Debt clock would put BOTH issues in the international spot light sufficiently that the US would want to quickly resolve the sanctions issue for fear of drawing too much attention to the negative net worth issue of the US balance sheet.

You know it’s not easy being a revolutionary, Iran. It takes some risk to step up to the plate to hit this home run.

Don’t let me tempt you to be “set up” only to have false claims jeopardize you.

At the same time, don’t sign on thinking you can pull a fast one and do an under the table hit intentionally and get away with it because it’s untraceable. You of all people know – Allah knows everything. And we worship Allah too. So “what goes around comes around,” [thnk/] with more chance now than if you were dealing with whom was only looking out for their own “interests”. Isn’t that right?

Finally THANK you, for treating this effort seriously. Perhaps we can do it in drafts. First the director of the IMF and the president of IRAN can sign a letter of INTENTION to execute and agreement which meets these goals.

THEN the same parties can sign an agreement to present a first draft of the agreement to the board of the IMF and the advisory council of IRAN.

THEN within a designated time frame, or not, the requested amendments can come back, a second draft drawn up, and the final signatures executed.

If there is a timer in the document and it expires because the US does not lift sanctions, then there could be a mandatory minimum waiting period before a second offer, and / or a maximum time until a second offer, and /or it could be open ended so at any time another offer could be made if the US responds.

As you know in the propaganda news wars, scheduling the news cycle is important. The ability to influence the outcome of the upcoming US Elections might put Ron Paul in office and then we could look forward he US really getting a wake up call, a thorough weeding, and then the thorough study of the archived files from the weeding so like a medical student our nation would prepare ourselves to deliver a rebirth thanks to a man whose professional life has been all about delivering babies into this world. Weed, seed, and feed.

The US as well as your allies might like the idea of a Global no fault insurance pool and that could provide incentives for the US to suspend sanctions against Iran and the trading partners and allies of Iran.

SWIFT; xref; Jonathan… “A Modest Proposal” and who eating their babies via debt.

Scapegoatism is alive and well. Big Oil wants you. Sarah and Hagar still have not reconciled – and their posterity still suffer the growing pains of sibling rivalries with taunts and torments and quarreling over scarce resources in the competition for parental love, attention, and time [thn/]. When will we have parents sufficient in depth and scope of love to accommodate such an adamant, yearning, demanding, determined bunch of progeny? Alawackbarr! Yahweh Akbar! Jehovah Akbar! The Great Spirit Akbar! Brahma Akbarr! The Great Tao Akbarr! Who or why can stand alone, or stand with – AnY! Akbarr, Who or why does not need any, including not needing to not need, and is therefore ready and willing to create, sustain, welcome, perfect, return and invite ANY? Who or why needs no key? Who, or why needs never leave? The one, one hundred (100%) independence, the one God, Allahwackbar!

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