

When I respond, or seek responses, I think of the Internet Republic and the people [[whump]] and the places who have made our water world Eden brave and free and fair. Permitted, required, and impossible. Stand alone or stand with, whose choice to what degree [[Thn/]] O[[thn/]]ne water world Eden under "We the people" – created by whom?

“BACK STORY”, or “sub text”,

“BACK STORY”, or “sub text”, or [jet] reading between the lines, or “yellow journalism”, or “diplomatic discretion”, vs. “bald truth”, “unvarnished truth”, “overt assumption”, “overt statement” – […jet continues] Screen Shot 2011-12-28 at 5.20.56 AM

re: Senator Nelson – ostensibly the lead story, however, under your photo, is the story about the Democratic, California STATE senator who announced he is refusing to run today.

re: California State Senator, Michael Rubino; xref: “Hello, Ruby in the dust…” (Young, Neil, “Hello, cowgirl in the sand” – “Buffalo Springfield”)

Filed under: bald truth, california state senator, caption, lead story, reading between the lines, senator nelson, yellow journalism
