

When I respond, or seek responses, I think of the Internet Republic and the people [[whump]] and the places who have made our water world Eden brave and free and fair. Permitted, required, and impossible. Stand alone or stand with, whose choice to what degree [[Thn/]] O[[thn/]]ne water world Eden under "We the people" – created by whom?

WordPress ad -“Be the master of your domain for …$17 a year,” – [[thnk/]]

Ali Al-Areed, Malcom X, Nelson Mandella.. Prisoner Heros…In a “Hero / Villain” data base, every word in the search engine thesaurus is linked to…

…either the word ‘hero’ or ‘villain’, or ‘both’.

Faraday: hero? or, villain? Links to other sources give you plant of history and background, but the “Hero / Villain” data base pages – the Hero analysis page can be displayed side by side with the villain analysis page – concentrates on the degree to which who, or what event, or invention, etc. saved steps without making un-necessary steps for any, while retaining essential redundancies to be sure.

Controversial figures will have great divides between their two windows, but small events, the kind of things like police taking a broom stick handle and jabbing it up whose anus muscle in an interrogation room, or soldier who lays down his life to stop a grenade so his comrades might live… instead of being buried under the mulch pile of events and memories… will instead be there on the time line…[thn/]

Not unlike the book with everyone’s name in it, of which the Qur~an and Bible speak.

But instead of the back, smoke-filled rooms of politics where the strategy is to never let anyone forget he, or she, has sinned, and to hold it against them forever either to bind them as an ally, or keep them down as a competitor, this data base will require repentance, forgiveness, and acceptance of forgiveness s t r a t e g i e s be on each page in either window. [jet] and the page templates, and management thereof, by the core group of workers and the txteagle.com crowd source workers – will strive to show not only ways the mulch pile of the tend commands and the five pillars of faith can diagnose and heal the villainy, on one and, and further carry the heroism on the other hand. Accidental heroes, daring villains, weak villains (insipid), destined heroes… You can dig to find heroes and villains in search engines now, but [thnk/] this data base will be cross referenced so deeply your search results will be real, and immediate and useful. And no information apartheid of having to turn 100 pages to get into the deeper search results. Simply input a percentage of the total sample and you are there in one click…

Do you think its worth the effort to carry the conversation closer toward the 100% independence? [^]

WordPress ad -“Be the master of your domain for …$17 a year,” –

Build your theory (its) {need a color change when auto correct changes anything} (i e s) about heroes and villains with your own subdomain inside the Hero / Villain data base… link internal and external pages your domain name.

Filed under: "Hero / Villain" data, Ali Al-Areed, broom stick, data base, engine, every word, heroes and villains, in, linked, malcom x, mulch pile, nelson mandella, pillars of faith, Prisoner Heros, search, the, thesaurus, to, Uncategorized, [[^]] is
