

When I respond, or seek responses, I think of the Internet Republic and the people [[whump]] and the places who have made our water world Eden brave and free and fair. Permitted, required, and impossible. Stand alone or stand with, whose choice to what degree [[Thn/]] O[[thn/]]ne water world Eden under "We the people" – created by whom?

Love, War, and a sure, quick way out

volley2.ind 178: 2012:10:27:12:42:105*SAT
#325 of 328: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 09 Nov 2012 (01:01 PM)

Petraeus Steps Down as C.I.A. Chief, Saying He Had Affair
By MICHAEL D. SHEAR 4 minutes ago
WASHINGTON — David H. Petraeus resigned Friday, citing “extremely poor
judgment” after 37 years of marriage. The decorated general had been
expected to remain in President Obama’s administration.
Petraeus’s Resignation Letter
Post a Comment | Read (49)

Michael Reynolds/European Pressphoto Agency
David H. Petraeus in September 2011.

volley2.ind 178: 2012:10:27:12:42:105*SAT
#326 of 328: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 09 Nov 2012 (01:05 PM)

David H. Petraeus Resignation Letter
Published: November 9, 2012

The following message was released to the CIA workforce this

Petraeus Steps Down as C.I.A. Chief, Saying He Had Affair (November
10, 2012)
Yesterday afternoon, I went to the White House and asked the President
to be allowed, for personal reasons, to resign from my position as
D/CIA. After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor
judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is
unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization
such as ours. This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my

graCIOusly; xref: CIA; xref: to repent… is to go back…

Also xref: Grace; xref: Frank

Also xref: U.S. ly; xref: repentance; xref: where who was last sure
who was doing things right: being married.
=========Null Hypothesis//

xref: D/CIA

volley2.ind 178: 2012:10:27:12:42:105*SAT
#327 of 328: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 09 Nov 2012 (01:06 PM)

As I depart Langley, I want you to know that it has been the greatest
of privileges to have served with you, the officers of our Nation’s
Silent Service, a work force that is truly exceptional in every regard.
Indeed, you did extraordinary work on a host of critical missions
during my time as director, and I am deeply grateful to you for that.

xref: A’s
Note: ‘host’ is one of your words, BHO.
Silent Service; xref: Secret Service.

volley2.ind 178: 2012:10:27:12:42:105*SAT
#328 of 328: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 09 Nov 2012 (01:06 PM)

David H. Petraeus Resignation Letter
Published: November 9, 2012

The following message was released to the CIA workforce this

Petraeus Steps Down as C.I.A. Chief, Saying He Had Affair (November
10, 2012)
Yesterday afternoon, I went to the White House and asked the President
to be allowed, for personal reasons, to resign from my position as
D/CIA. After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor
judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is
unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization
such as ours. This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my

As I depart Langley, I want you to know that it has been the greatest
of privileges to have served with you, the officers of our Nation’s
Silent Service, a work force that is truly exceptional in every regard.
Indeed, you did extraordinary work on a host of critical missions
during my time as director, and I am deeply grateful to you for that.

Teddy Roosevelt once observed that life’s greatest gift is the
opportunity to work hard at work worth doing. I will always treasure my
opportunity to have done that with you and I will always regret the
circumstances that brought that work with you to an end.

Thank you for your extraordinary service to our country, and best
wishes for continued success in the important endeavors that lie ahead
for our country and our Agency.

With admiration and appreciation,

David H. Petraeus

Love, War, and a sure, quick way out

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RNC, DNC, Bar Associations, and liability for adequate oversight of members

#298 of 298: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 09 Nov 2012 (07:31 AM)

Should political parties be liable for adequately overseeing,
investigating, and disciplining the conduct of their members?

xref: Are bar associations liable for adequate oversight and
discipline of the members of the bar?

Union Liability for Wildcast Strikes

Employer Responsibilities : A Guide to Vicarious Liability

231, §85G makes parents liable within limits for the willful acts of
their minor children

In Search of a Theory of State Liability in the European Union
authors have analogized Member State liability to ordinary civil
liability,36 to … the focus is on the conduct of the Member State and
its relationship to the ..

The ethics issues were not the only matters in the race. But in a
number of cases, they appeared to play a role.

“Politicians ignore ethics issues at their own peril,” said Melanie
Sloan, who runs a Washington-based nonprofit group that annually
publishes a report titled the “Most Corrupt Members of Congress.”
“Americans are overwhelmingly cynical about their government, but they
still expect ethical conduct from their congressmen.”

In total, 11 of the lawmakers included in the “Most Corrupt” report
over the last two years, out of a total 31 featured, have been defeated
or are retiring, including New Hampshire’s only two House members:
Representatives Charles Bass, a Republican, and Frank Guinta, a


RNC, DNC, Bar Associations, and liability for adequate oversight of members

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A bill to heal the United States through more informative elections

The most expensive election in American history drew to a close this week with a price tag estimated at more than $6 billion,

Whereas, 4% of US GDP is spent on defense, be it hereby,
Resolved 1% of US GDP shall be spent on election debates, interviews, forums, and events sponsored by local, state, and federal government to which all qualifying candidates shall be invited on an equal basis.
=========Null Hypothesis//

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Updated apology to ticket taker

W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed A. Omar
Unpaid, unofficial, unaffiliated volunteer

DC address: 4200 Wisconsin Av. NW, Washington, DC 20016
Telephone: 202-465-0067

ME address: 60 Western Av., Suite 3 – 222 , Augusta, ME 04330
(207)764-4441, Room 106
Fax: 314.690.4004 Email: whale12345@gmail.com

Ticket Taker, Owners, and operators
Braden Theater
408 Main Street,
Presque Isle, ME 04769
(207) 768-5500

re: You have the right to remember. You have the right to protect the information you create.

Dear Braden Theater:

Thought you might be interested in this reply regarding the Grateful Dead taping section in regards to a NYTimes.com comment about Mayor Bloomberg’s recent endorsement of Barack Obama.

Also enclosed please find a copy of the recent email from YouTube to me regarding ad placement next to SONY copyrighted material which happened to be in my effort to live my own life and remember it to the fullest.

I apologize if my tone of voice was not as kind as it should have been, but behind professionalism of any kind is deep emotion about wanting a more perfect world for our children to grow up in. Isn’t that right?

Plus my Dad was 1/2 Irish (xref: temper) as well as a captain of the US Navy wrestling team, so I inherited some of that “on the spot” aggressiveness.

But hopefully I pray enough to balance that with second efforts like this, and with practice I’ll find more perfect ways, perhaps with punch lines, to respond when I think whose “No,” is unhealthy and / or unfair.

Thank you for being such a kind, local, community theater.


W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed A. Omar (MAO)
?>*:\ …//2012:11:02:12:15?19!:45*

enclosures: posts & documentation from this morning may be found on line.

Anyone with the link may view at: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B3COUqj-vPb8azFuZWY5alliS2c/edit

Or at: https://waterworldeden4.wordpress.com/2012/11/02/apology-to-ticket-taker/

Link to external memory of Ticket Taker interaction may be found at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9QVhmqUJV8

cc: JB
ES, et al
JGR, jr., et al


volley2.ind 178: 2012:10:27:12:42:105*SAT
#135 of 136: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 02 Nov 2012 (06:16 AM)

JackMNew YorkNYT Pick
How is Bloomberg a centrist ? There is so much misunderstanding and confusion on the US political scene today. Many people think Bloomberg is a centrist because os his positions on same sex marriage, abortion, climate change. But he is against even minimal regulation of Wall Street excesses which brought us the most recent crisis. He snaps at
xref: having had a Father who was ½ Irish and a captain of the US Nav wrestling team and learning visceral, emotional, and somewhat aggressive responses from him; xref: tone of response to ticket taker last night; xref: the need to get the logic across while keeping the tone of voice positive and supportive of the other person.
Likewise; xref: chemical smell in carpet (s).
Also, instead of saying, “Hopefully it’s not carcinogenic,” hold on to that thought and do some real research into carpet cleaners which are definitely NOT and then convey that information to whom.
==============Null Hypothesis//
any suggestion of having the rich pay more taxes and does not think there is any danger in the rising inequality. He shows almost no understanding of what the ordinary person goes through. His endorsing of Obama is almost enough to convince a concerned voter to cast a protest vote for the Greens. Things will stay the same until people mobilize and threaten the Democrats that they will NOT be taken for granted and will withhold their vote if both parties are in thral to financial interests.

volley2.ind 178: 2012:10:27:12:42:105*SAT
#136 of 136: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 02 Nov 2012 (06:54 AM)

FyoSercevic New York NYT Pick
Wise decision Mayor Bloomberg. I have no problems with your highlighting where the President did not push hard enough to get things done. But last I checked, it takes two to get a deal done. The President cannot negotiate with himself.
Congress has had a critical role in the status of the country today.
Their willingness to allow the country’s credit rating to be downgraded shows their lack of concern for the country, just their agenda.
Your neighbor across the Hudson show guts during the past few days to speak truth to Party. He showed that two ideologically different public servants can once again agree to do the right thing when doing the right thing serves the better purpose for their constituents.
Finally, I was raised catholic and attended Jesuit schools all the way through graduate school. Lying is one of the things that I was thought never to do. Not being perfect, I did my share of lying. But compared the former Bishop who is now running for the presidency of our country, I am still in daycare compared to his Doctorate[s] in bending the truth.
xref: who should have said, “I had an email conversation with YouTube” instead of saying “I [ignition] [door] talked with you tube about this,” What I proposed [door] was that instead of making a peson remove a video about their own life in which whose copyrighted work happened to appear, instead why not place ads for the company who owns the copyrighted material. And sure enough You Tube recently sent whom an email saying SONY ads were going to be placed next to one of whose videos because it contained copyrighted material in the video – likely when who was doing whose laundry and heard a song on whose speakers and went over to listen and tapped a beat back to the music and made some commentary about the lyrics. But who hasn’t had time to review [door] the video yet, so it might have been in regards to what else.
After “The odd life of Timothy Green” it looked like the actor who had played Timothy Green in the movie, along with his friends and family walk right past where who was sitting as they exited the movie, but who was not so healthy then and whose external memory was not remembering [door] [door] then.
Whose laughter and applause to “Here comes the boom” was an integral part of the external memory [door]
The Grateful Dead knew the profound influence copyrighted material can have on a person and for that very reason had a taping section at the live shows. People still came to see the shows and purchased the records of the band. In fact the taping section added [rpms head away] to the awareness of the band and the music and increased the number of people who wanted to purchase tickets for the shows.
If who was so impoverished they could only hear the band via tapes from the shows, then who would stand outside the shows and ask if anyone had an extra ticket, “Looking for a miracle. Anybody got an extra ticket?” In this way people who were better off, or people whose date, or friend had been unable to make it to the show could do charity, or sell a ticket (at cost) and thereby feel good about choosing whom they wanted to help get their life together better by getting into the show..
Likewise for copyrighted movies. Permitting people to have eyeglasses for their brains so we can remember better, and share our memories.
Otherwise, we are forced into a situation where we have an intense experience and no way to annotate it, or review it, or explain it to our friends, family, minister, doctor, or other commenters. Especially in the 21st century when we are trying to compete with people who are able to post images and videos of their memories and reports when we have only our typing to make our points.
=============Null Hypothesis//
How people can admit his lying and still vote for him, and expect their children, our children, to be good citizens is beyond me.
Thank you for the endorsement and the swift kick to get the soon to be re-elected Obama to take charge and lead us to a better future.

volley2.ind 178: 2012:10:27:12:42:105*SAT
#137 of 140: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 02 Nov 2012 (09:10 AM)
“All concentration is a form of self-hypnosis.
“Hypnosis is the adoption or rejection of suggestion.
“Suggestions may be internal or external.
“Intelligence is the ability to apply, create, and sustain rules for divisible, distributable, repeatable, secure, effective, free, fair, and peacefully happening adoption or rejecting suggestion [door].”

volley2.ind 178: 2012:10:27:12:42:105*SAT
#138 of 140: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 02 Nov 2012 (09:13 AM)
When you invite a peson into your home, you have a right to deny them the invitation if you feel they are going to remember better than you want them to.
But when you solicit the general public to come in, then is it fair for you to insist “We the people” engage in a partial lobotomy at the door and take off any “eye glasses” for our brains, or break the continuity in any new kinds of pencils we may be employing to keep track of the sensory data which impinges upon us?

Volley2.ind 178: 2012:10:27:12:42:105*SAT
#139 of 140: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 02 Nov 2012 (09:18 AM)

Information about your video “Waiting for Whose movie to start Insufficient capacity for two hours IMG 0002”
YouTube no_reply@youtube.com
Oct 28 (5 days ago)
to me
Images are not displayed. Display images below – Always display images from no_reply@youtube.com
Dear PerfectMemoryRight1,
Your video “Waiting for Whose movie to start Insufficient capacity for two hours IMG 0002”, may have content that is owned or licensed by Sony Pictures Movies & Shows, but it’s still available on YouTube! In some cases, ads may appear next to it.
This claim is not penalizing your account status. Visit your Copyright Notice page for more details on the policy applied to your video.
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©2012 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 YouTube – Videos from this email

volley2.ind 178: 2012:10:27:12:42:105*SAT
#140 of 140: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 02 Nov 2012 (09:21 AM)
When you consider all the millions of dollars and special effects movie makers use to implant suggestions in our brains, isn’t it only fair from a mental health point of view to permit audience members who feel the need to “take notes” to the best of their ability to do so?
I have a letter from my doctor indicating for purposes of my health I need ADA K9 assistance.
I’ll try to get a letter from my doctor indicating the same about my need for “adaptive technology” for my memory; xref: SFSU teachers’ college course on Special Education and adaptive technology.

Volley2.ind 178: 2012:10:27:12:42:105*SAT
#141 of 141: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 02 Nov 2012 (09:24 AM)

Information about your video “Waiting for Whose movie to start Insufficient capacity for two hours IMG 0002”
YouTube no_reply@youtube.com
Oct 28 (5 days ago)
to me
Images are not displayed. Display images below – Always display images from no_reply@youtube.com
Dear PerfectMemoryRight1,
Your video “Waiting for Whose movie to start Insufficient capacity for two hours IMG 0002”, may have content that is owned or licensed by MC for Warner Bros., but it’s still available on YouTube! In some cases, ads may appear next to it.
This claim is not penalizing your account status. Visit your Copyright Notice page for more details on the policy applied to your video.
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©2012 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 YouTube – Videos from this email

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Seeds, prayers, dawa, and Chopra

Your Comments On:
After Benghazi attacks, Islamist extremists akin to al-Qaeda stir fear in eastern Libya
By Abigail Hauslohner, Published: October 26


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1:48 PM EDT
What is unfolding here may be the most extreme example of the confrontation underway across Libya, underscoring just how deeply the fundamentalists have sown their seeds in the security vacuum that has defined Libya since the fall of Moammar Gaddafi last September.

==============Null Hypothesis:
“seeds”; xref: “Point out instead – the universe is always bringing to us a stream of results and rewards which stem from our wishes and wants.

{Pray to God for what you think you need, and you will find what God knows you need}

{{“I, and who else who are part of what prayer…” Prayer is an unfolding [There you go. Have a good weekend]. The word ‘ray’ is in the word ‘pray’, p.ray [door. door]. Ray is a line with direction. Rays are found in Geometry. Rays are vectors. When who uses matrix algebra to solve a problem who is making a prayer. [Yea. Yup. Something after …]
=============Null Hypothesis//

Wishes and wants are like seeds and {who, or why, or when, or where that result – } the things that happen to us, are the sprouting of those seeds.

When we try to make it to a prayer line, we are actually trying to line up with the geometry of events unfolding: Prayer lines are more than social gatherings. The time of prayer is defined by a ratio of light and dark which results in a certain length shadow (a proof what is solid) [cough] . We feel there are five unique moods [thun] of shadow length during the day, and we feel it is reasonable to test the growth of our seeds of thought and hope and desire in the context of these five different moods each day so we develop realistic expectations. Karl Marx wrote, “Hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, and philosophize at night,” Our prayer has at least all three of these aspects in it., and thus we find the pause and say of pray and the hunt and fish and gather and keep your cover, if you can or want to, and get a receipt of prey in the context of all five moods – as if we got five days in one. Karl Marx would be proud. [door]
==============Null Hypothesis//

Some seeds take a long time to sprout – a child inspired to play the piano can be planting a seed that grows for a life time.

Formal prayer continues to grow your entire life and across generations making “more perfect” our comprehension of the root directory of all creation.

Dawa prayer, for particular people, places and things – spoken from the heart with any words you feel are the right ones to express your hopes is a more unique and sometimes more temporary prayer for a particular need, interest or problem. But it can also be for a particular person, place or thing, and it comes back each time you make Dawa for whom or where… or when …bu
All of us are working on both big and small desires. Not all of these can come true at once. Each desire has it’s own season, it’s own way of coming true.”

The seven spiritual laws for parents; Chopra, Deepak, Harmony Books, 1997 – with WLH / haji MAO editing updates

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Say, “Response inventory deficit disorder” not “terrorist” or “terrorism” Speak in requested remedies, not simply complaints. Screen Shot 2012 – 10 – 25 at 7.29.38 PM

Say, "Response inventory deficit disorder" not "terrorist" or "terrorism" Speak in requested remedies, not simply complaints. Screen Shot 2012-10-25 at 7.29.38 PM

Say, “Response inventory deficit disorder” not “terrorist” or “terrorism” Speak in requested remedies, not simply complaints. Screen Shot 2012-10-25 at 7.29.38 PM

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re: How to prove to the Taleban they can be MORE Islamic

…So, thanks for your kindness over the years. You’ve always been gentle
with my idealism while at the same time educating me to some realities
I needed to learn about to be effective.

On a side note, today a randomly sampled passage from the Qur~an…

But forgive them and overlook
{their misdeeds} for Allah
Loveth those who are kind.

…inspired me to consider instead of shooting the Pakistani girl in the
head, the Taleban should have created a school of their own where they

“A more perfect Union…”

is more important than

“…establishing justice”

…because of this passage and others like it.

The standard operating procedure of self-defense regarding those who refuse to join your Union remains, but five times a day we make time to consider more important orders in our chain of command such as…

“Iraqman,” most welcoming,

“Iraheem” most able to make more perfect, and

“…siratal l-ladzeena an amta a-layhm grahill maughdubi alayhm wa lad dalllllleeen.” Thy straight way that is known to us by the confidence of countenance of rhythm and bearing and demeanor of those who are not tormented, tortured, terrorized, cornered, or embarrassed, AND who torment, torture, terrorize, corner, or embarrass others not,”

We know from family experience we continue to love one another despite
the ups and downs of family life because the promise of “…a more
perfect Union” is greater than the pre-requisites which accomplish it

Union, justice, tranquility, defense, welfare, and bestowal of blessings

– in that order of importance

…so we overlook injustice to some degree, we overlook the lack of
domestic tranquility to some degree, we forgive when the common defense
is security theater, to some degree, we sigh and try to do charity
when the provisions for the general welfare are botched, [/f] and when
the ability to bestow the blessings of liberty upon ourselves and our
posterity is hamstrung, we seek redress through peaceful means before
issuing a declaration of independence – all because “…the one, 100%
independence loveth those who are kind,” {xref: “Uncle John’s Band”
(Hunter / Garcia)}

“Whoa oh, what I want to know ow, is are you kind?”

Then the news story would be about a Pakistani girl running away from
a materialistic home to attend a Taleban school where “…a more
perfect Union” was the top priority and freedom within the privacy of the home was far greater than puritanical norms – as long as who did not “jiggle” whose assets to draw attention to themselves but to and from the one God – God willing, who hopes; xref: who wearing the color of whose mosque tiles of Arabic letters in a necklace above her low cut dress.

Thanks again, Larry. Peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how
are you?

And your family?

And how is everything?


W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed

enclosure: courtesy cc: of Letter to Michael Michaud

cc: US DOJ
Gov PLeP
US Surgeon General
Custodian of the [\f]

blind cc: xref: ken kesey heris and assigns

#995 of 997: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 15 Oct 2012 (12:10 AM)

Dear Mike:

Please place your cover letter on this copy of my letter to Governor
LePage and forwarded it to the

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Criss-cross directory interviews

Turkey and Egypt Seek Alliance Amid Upheaval of Arab Spring
Published: October 18, 2012

ISTANBUL — With war on Turkey’s borders, and political and economic troubles in Egypt, the two countries have turned to each other for support, looking to build an alliance that could represent a significant geopolitical shift in the Middle East prompted by the Arab Spring, uniting two countries with regional ambitions each headed by parties with roots in political Islam.

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Egypt and Turkey are considering plans to lift visa restrictions and recently completed joint naval exercises in the Mediterranean Sea. Turkey has offered a host of measures to bolster Egypt’s economy, including a $2 billion aid package. There is even talk of Turkey’s helping Egypt to restore its Ottoman-era buildings. A wider-ranging partnership is expected to be announced in the coming weeks when the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose party shares an Islamist pedigree with Egypt’s leadership, goes to Cairo.

The emerging alliance springs from the earthquake that shook the regional order when Egypt’s president, Hosni Mubarak, was ousted and from the civil war in Syria. Though Egypt’s position had long been compromised by its economic frailty and failing diplomatic might, it remained an anchor of the region in an alliance with Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Egypt often tangled with Turkey as both vied for the hearts and minds of the Arab street, with Turkey increasingly presenting itself as the champion of the Palestinians, often to Mr. Mubarak’s embarrassment.

And Turkey’s close ties with Syria have been severed, undermining its political and economic links to the Arab world.

As a result, each country seems to need the other in an alliance that could shape the region for decades to come and help it emerge from the tumult of Arab revolutions.

“Apparently now Egypt is Turkey’s closest partner in the Middle East,” said Gamal Soltan, a professor of political science at the American University in Cairo, who added that one impetus for the partnership that is taking shape between the two countries was Turkey’s loss of “a major partner in Syria.”

Turkey is trying to firm up its influence in the region at a time of war and revolution by taking with Egypt some of the same measures it used in its opening with Syria just a few years ago, which became the cornerstone of a foreign policy oriented toward the Middle East, rather than Europe.

Meanwhile, a new Egypt is emerging from decades of authoritarian rule with a shattered economy and facing a contest for its future between various sparring ideologies, including Islamists and liberals, a struggle that Turkey’s experience could help guide.

The collapse in relations with Syria may have prompted Turkey to speed up its alliance with Egypt, but the partnership is also rooted in the Islamist politics of the leaders of the two countries and their respective movements: Mr. Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party, or A.K.P., and the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt’s president, Mohamed Morsi. This connection offers chances for a new Sunni Islamic bloc, even as each country offers a different understanding of how Islam and democracy can coexist.

In coming together, Mr. Erdogan and Mr. Morsi risk alienating their domestic political audiences by engaging so deeply with each another, analysts said. In Mr. Erdogan’s case, he may face criticism from the hard-line secularists who see themselves as the inheritors of the legacy of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, who forcibly imposed secularism. And for all the talk of Turkey’s presenting Egypt with a model for an Islamic democracy, many conservative Muslims in Egypt doubt the Islamic credentials of Turkey, where women who wear head scarves are still banned from working in government or running for office, analysts said.

“The Muslim Brothers are somewhat divided over Turkey as a role model,” Professor Soltan said. Some of the conservative members of the Brotherhood “have a vision for Egypt that is much more Islamic” than Mr. Erdogan’s party, he said.

But while there are some risks, both look out at the world as it is now and see little alternative, experts said.

In forming a partnership on security, economic and diplomatic matters with Egypt, its onetime rival, Turkey is advancing its efforts to shape the affairs of the Middle East while its dream of membership in the European Union, once its most important foreign policy initiative, seems more distant than ever.

Referring to Turkey and Egypt, Shadi Hamid, the director of research at the Brookings Doha Center, said, “Relations are warmer today than they have been in recent years, decades perhaps.” He added, “Turkey has become the effective leader of the Arab world, even though it’s not Arab.”

The scene at the annual convention of Mr. Erdogan’s party in Ankara, the capital, a few weeks ago offered a portrait of a realigned Middle East with Turkey at the helm. Mr. Morsi said at the gathering, “We offer our gratefulness for the support that the Turkish people and its administration has extended and will extend to us in the future.” To a standing ovation, Khaled Meshal, the political leader of Hamas, the Palestinian militant group, declared of Mr. Erdogan: “You are not only a Turkish leader. You are, now, also a leader of the world of Islam.”

Still, Turkey’s assertive role in the region is weighted by a history of Ottoman dominance over the Middle East, and resentments linger over the way the Ottomans treated the Arabs, said Paul J. Sullivan, a Middle East security expert at Georgetown University and a columnist for a Turkish newspaper. So, analysts say, the partnership could just as easily slip back into a rivalry for regional dominance, especially if Egypt can achieve political stability and engineer an economic recovery.

“There is within the Egyptian psyche that belief that Egypt should be the leader of the region,” Mr. Sullivan said.

As a measure of Turkey’s changing role in the Middle East, consider the story of Muhammad Bitar: Over more than two decades, Mr. Bitar, a Syrian, vacationed regularly in Turkey, crisscrossing the country by car and taking, by his count, nearly 8,000 photographs. Back in Damascus, he produced an Arabic tourist guide titled “Turkey, Heaven on Earth,” with a cover photograph of a mosque on the shores of the glimmering Black Sea.

For that, he said, he spent 23 days in prison, accused of being an agent for the Mossad, the Israeli spy agency, because of Turkey’s close ties to Israel at the time, which kept it on the sidelines of Arab affairs.

Mr. Bitar is now among the tens of thousands of Syrians living in Turkey to escape the war at home, and he is setting down roots by opening a restaurant in Istanbul that will offer Ottoman and Arab dishes.

“We respect Turkey because it is going well,” he said. “I am a Syrian, but I want Turkey to lead.”

Sebnem Arsu contributed reporting.

xref: Jewish last name, ‘Cohen’

Also xref: “Criss-cross directory” to find telephone numbers by street address; xref: blocks of property which might want to execute a deed of trust with their mosque.

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Dear Larry Flynt:

Dear Larry Flynt:

Would you like to do this with or without me, or not at all, or delegate it to whom else?

Work with Bang Brothers, and who else, as per the attached exhibit, to agree on a policy that although the virgin Mary may have been a 14 year old virgin hairdresser in Nazareth, and despite the fact Iran accepts the practice of temporary, shari marriage, that does not give anyone the right to encourage those who are so young physically and mentally to marry permanently, or temporarily, with anyone – unless there is a true love bond between them AND the village, or town, or country they are in accepts such a union, and further, captions such as found in the exhibit which encourage the breaking of the above agreement should be placed only in the context of scientific analysis of what motivates such control of whom over whom so that no one viewing / experiencing the suggestion offered could reasonably misunderstand that is offered as a possibility one might risk “getting away with”, but instead is a behavior, though found, can and shold be explained, and redirected to more healthy outcomes: instead of Lolita, or the California Day Care scandal a generation ago, who ends up happily ever after on a Polynesian Beach with a family and friends as equal as the teeth on a comb; or praying in a mosque like the two young people I found in Mekka who appeared to be endowed, and alone in the world, and happy to find an English speaker, but at peace with themselves much like young married couples might have been 100 generations ago when the average life span was only 50 years.

The intent of the attached images and captions leads me to ask.

You once said, “They’re just having sex,” and between consulting adults sex is likely at the charitable end of the spectrum compared to some of the things you know about that people do to one another.

But there are many kinds of sex, and if adults want to experiment with the variety, that might be their right, but as far as those who are so young physically and mentally, it is the rare exception like when our prophet Mohammed, may peace be upon him, took a two year old bride from a neighboring king so she would grow up with the muslims and therefore feel THEY were HER family and thus be LOYAL to him and them and thereby join the two nations. You can be sure our prophet Mohammed, may peace be upon him, treated her only with the utmost respect and love and kindness and never paced her beyond what she was ready while remaining open to guide her natural development to be all it could be.

You many know of some other examples from your vast experience. It might be a good lesson for the US Justice Department to see what the touch and motion industry itself can do about the temptation to create such un-healthy control and exploitation suggestions so as to “Lead us not into temptation…”

On the other hand, the Bang Brothers may be an FBI sting to entrap people to click on the suggestion to exploit minors – that kind of thing has been done in the past.

But when my research on You, er, Red, when my research on redtube.com found a well presented adult touch and motion video and I visited the site and found such young people being presented in such an exploited way, I was amazed.

There are other furtive pages which have bubbled up over the years in my research on the need for a US Surgeon General button [/f] on the tool bar of all internet browsers sold in the US, but to find such a prominent, well known name brand as the Bang Brothers offering such “corruption of minors” fare really made me worry that the constitutional right of uncensored free speech among consenting adults was being undermined and being used to undermine a basic assumption we all have about the right to grow up as a healthy, happy person, and THEN make your own choices once you are emancipated at age 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18 – with, or without parental consent – as the village, or town, or country you are in accept. And if you are not ready by 18, oer the legal age, then you should have the right to learn more and that’s where U.S. Surgeon General Intimacy Coaches start to come in. [\f]

So, thanks for your kindness over the years. You’ve always been gentle with my idealism while at the same time educating me to some realities I needed to learn about to be effective.

On a side note, today a randomly sampled passage from the Qur~an

But forgive them and overlook
{their misdeeds} for Allah
Loveth those who are kind.

inspired me to consider instead of shooting the Pakistani girl in the head, the Taleban should have created a school of their own where they taught “A more perfect Union…” is more important than “…establishing justice” because of this passage and others like it. We know from family experience we continue to love one another despite the ups and downs of family life because the promise of “…a more perfect Union” is greater than the pre-requisites which accomplish it …so we overlook injustice to some degree, we overlook the lack of domestic tranquility to some degree, we forgive when the common defense is security theater, to some degree, we sigh and try to do charity when the provisions for the general welfare are botched, [/f] and when the ability to bestow the blessings of liberty upon ourselves and our posterity is hamstrung, we seek redress through peaceful means before issuing a declaration of independence. All because “…the one, 100% independence loveth those who are kind,” {xref: “Uncle John’s Band” (Hunter / Garcia)}

Then the news story would be about a Pakistani girl running away from a materialistic home to attend a Taleban school where “…a more perfect Union” was the top priority, God willing, who hopes.

Thanks again, Larry. Peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you?

And your family?

And how is everything?


W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed

enclosure: courtesy cc: of Letter to Michael Michaud

cc: US DOJ
Gov PLeP
US Surgeon General
Custodian of the [\f]

blind cc: xref: ken kesey heris and assigns

#995 of 997: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 15 Oct 2012 (12:10 AM)

Dear Mike:

Please place your cover letter on this copy of my letter to Governor
LePage and forwarded it to the US Justice Department so they know I am
serious about wanting a response from them.

Thank you,

W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed Omar

Letter as sent to Gov. LePage may be found at:
Anyone with the link may view at:


W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed Omar
DC address: 4200 Wisconsin Av. NW, Washington, DC 20016
Telephone: 202-465-0067
ME address: 60 Western Av., Suite 3 – 222 , Augusta, ME 04330

Fax: 314.690.4004
Email: whale12345@gmail.com

Governor Paul LePage
Office of the Governor

#1 State House Station

Augusta, ME 04333-0001
TTY: Maine relay 711 (for Deaf and
hard of hearing)
Comment via web email form:



re: Is this legal?

Dear Governor LePage:

While researching the internet regarding the need for a US Surgeon
General button on the tool bar of all internet browsers sold in the
United States (footnote 1), links to the following web addresses were




Although the pages claimed to portray “teens”, those involved actually
looked much younger. Further, some of the caption themes seemed to be
about violating minors.

Is this legal? Is there anything you can do about it? May I be of any

W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed Omar

enclosure: Screen shot 2012-10-14 at 09.26.56
Screen shot 2012-10-14 at 09.28.12

cc: William J. Schneider, Maine Attorney General
Chief Matt Irwin, Presque Isle Dept. of Public Health & Safety

blind cc: xref: ken kesey heirs and assigns
Footnote 1. Gmail-style, content matching software and facebook ad
demographic-style software might provide anyone who clicked on the US
Surgeon General button with immediate feedback regarding the physical
and mental health of words and images on the page in question and also
refer them to alternate, healthier behaviours….

WARNING: Enclosures contain graphic EVIDENCE of intimate internal
touch and motion which likely involve minors and should be viewed only
by responsible adults in the capacity of evaluating the legality of
said images.

These images and captions were found on the internet in the course of
doing research regarding the need for a US Surgeon General button on
the tool bar of all internet browsers sold in the United States so
gmail-style, content matching software and facebook ad
demographic-style software might provide immediate feedback to internet
surfers regarding the physical and mental health of words and images
on the page in question and also refer them to alternate, healthier
behaviours when anyone clicked on the US Surgeon General tool bar

Screen shot 2012-10-14 at 09.26.56


WARNING: Enclosures contain graphic EVIDENCE of intimate internal
touch and motion which likely involve minors and should be viewed only
by responsible adults in the capacity of evaluating the legality of
said images.

These images and captions were found on the internet in the course of
doing research regarding the need for a US Surgeon General button on
the tool bar of all internet browsers sold in the United States so
gmail-style, content matching software and facebook ad
demographic-style software might provide immediate feedback to internet
surfers regarding the physical and mental health of words and images
on the page in question and also refer them to alternate, healthier
behaviours when anyone clicked on the US Surgeon General tool bar

Screen shot 2012-10-14 at 09.28.12


volley2.ind 176: 2012-09-25 TUES 12:58:120*
#996 of 997: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 15 Oct 2012 (12:44 AM)


volley2.ind 176: 2012-09-25 TUES 12:58:120*
#997 of 997: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 15 Oct 2012 (12:45 AM)

In Bedroom Community, Birth of a Tech Center

xref: who described Caribou, ME as a “bedroom community” recently when comparing it to PI which is a farming community.

The new campus of the Cornell University graduate school for
technology is expected to transform Roosevelt Island from a sleepy
community into a high-tech hothouse.

The virgin Mary may have been a 14 year old virgin hairdresser in Nazareth, but the intent of what images and captions leads whom to question whom

Filed under: Uncategorized, business, design, internet, maine attorney general, technology, us surgeon general

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Come. Passion.

#93 of 96: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 16 Oct 2012 (05:35 AM)

Compassion for Pakistan

Amna Buttar is a human rights activist who left her career as a doctor
in the United States to work with Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. Until
recently, she was a member of parliament. She is on Twitter.

OCTOBER 15, 2012

We need to change the lens through which we view Pakistan from one of
conflict to one of compassion.

Growing up in Pakistan, I never imagined, even in my wildest dreams,
that there would be a time when girls would get shot for going to
school. Welcome to the Pakistan that has been hijacked by organized
criminals, the Taliban. They call themselves promoters of Islam. But
they know nothing about Islam. If they were really familiar with this
belief system, they would remember that the first word of revelation in
the Quran is “Iqra” (read), and would therefore refrain from bombing
girls’ schools.

The women and children of Pakistan don’t need special envoys, drones,
or even foreign aid. They need our sympathy and attention.
Pakistanis are exhausted with the barbarism in one form or other that
continues to escalate in every passing moment. Youth like Mallala are
getting globally isolated every day. Their dreams and actions
contribute to a pressure cooker of hope, but they have nowhere to go.

We need to keep our attention fixed on the women and children of
Pakistan. They don’t need special envoys, drones, or even foreign aid.
What they need is for ordinary citizens of the world to see them
through a new lens. What Pakistanis need is compassion. Ordinary
citizens of the world have to make Malala and others feel their
sympathy for them.

They can do this through reaching out via social media to keep the
conversation going, which will help keep girls like Malala on the map,
and revered and honored by the Pakistani government and civil society.
Positive messages of hope and love really do help. This kind of
support, constantly streaming through the social media world, should
ideally be an ongoing effort and not stop with the news cycle.

Once Pakistan feels the world’s support and sympathy, Malala and her
peers could become even more emboldened to exert themselves and push
for reform, instead of spending their time dodging the bullets of angry

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Topics: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Terrorism, taliban, women

The West Should Not Disengage

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